LNTSOFT Has been helping apparel manufacturers move towards the concept of modern factory environment by empowering technology that caters to the unique challenges of the industry, and by filling technology gaps left unaddressed with mainstream systems including ERP’s (Enterprise Resource Planning solutions).
























An end-to-end solution by handling multi legal business entity transaction, its potential to seamlessly deliver a holistic solution to control the entire process, by leaving behind the conventional paper-based process and embracing digital transformation, further fortifying FX.Pro’s capabilities in delivering greater speed, process accuracy and efficiency.
The client is our key priority. We quickly acclimatize to the ground situation of the enterprise with our key strengths which able to do the all the system implementation within a minimum timeframe in order to ensure that our clients achieve a higher ROI while maintaining a competitive edge.

The Product (Style) Finished Goods Item base customer order transaction management protocol and tracks every movement, creating an unbreakable fully auditable link which can be viewed both in real time and historically for specification analysis.

FX.Pro|MMS (Materials Management System) generate the Raw Material item dimensions & Product Service matrix BOM requirements automatically by running the algorithms and validating the item split parameter value combination versus customer SKU detail. The procurement process saves the cost with accurate Bill of Material requirement calculation, leftover stock allocation and guiding the correct vendor selection. The notification email generates to highlight the pending & changers. The Inventory/Warehouse management is an inherent function of FX.Pro|MMS & provides complete tracking from material receipt of inbound Raw Material/Components which are consumed in manufacturing and ultimately shipped out to customers as finished products. The both forward traceability from raw material to customer shipments, and backward traceability from customer shipments to manufactured products, and finally to raw material component receipt from vendors is facilitated.

FX.Pro|PPC (Production Planning and Control) provides a unique visibility into operational and allow to align the daily jobs of employees and

departments by getting an effective collaboration environment, become more productive and deliver great results, and get a complete transparency picture into each production process's up to date status and history. The forecasts schedule of sewing planning board facilitates to optimize data as per the business factors demand.

FX.Pro|TNA (Time and Action Calendar) creates an instant snapshot of individual/overall task progress visibility as “Due” or “Open” or “Complete” with detail on event attribute types, manufacturing process stage, and event responsible department/users. The classification of Parent & Child event creates a smart event management with minimizing event task list. The Event Diary facilitates to create In-depth task follow up status comments list dynamic by user if need. The stats alerting view and notification give early warning and allowing time to rectify the situation.

FX.Pro|MES (Manufacturing Execution System) tracks a factory’s start-to-end production capabilities. This module helps users track their entire manufacturing process from cutting to packing including embellishment & washing operation. Employers will be able to define steps, assign users, and enable security parameters for effective production route creation. This module enables functioning with either RFID, Bar Codes or QR Codes providing a high degree of flexibility and adaptability.

The new module add-ons & enhancement features of FX. Pro’s focus on the evolution of various aspects of the apparel manufacturing process, by using a solution to overcome the most time-consuming and tedious of tasks; namely in the warehouse processes automation spectrum of Material Batch Management & Inspection (MBM), Overall Quality Management System (QMS), Material Requirement Plan (MRP), Machine Inventory Management (MIM), Employee Skill Management (ESM) & Man Machine Line Planning (MLP)

  • FX.Pro| MBM, automate material inventory & warehouse handling. This function captures the material lot/batch detail of the shipment and an Individual lot/batch of Fabrics/Accessories unit of Roll/Pallet/Box/PCS wise will be assigned a unique serial identification ID and printed QR/Barcode for process evaluation. It distracts from paperwork and non-productive tasks by managing data accuracy, sharing real-time information, reducing the cycle time, improving the process efficiency with smart data collector’s integration, creating digital environment & online data accessibility. The Fabrics/Accessories is assessed for Its quality, shade, shrinkage & etc. by collaborating lot/Batch Detail. Also, It takes note of any defect and problem areas. An inspection summary can then be auto generated for automated supplier evaluations.

  • FX.Pro| QMS, is integration with FX.Pro| MMS & MES Functions, to add custom quality inspection points for any required steps of Material, Component & Finished Good. This provides decision makers with automatic vendor scorecard generation, a 360°view of production quality on the factory floor, streamlining quality inspection with a simple, digital interface driven process.

  • FX.Pro| MRP, creates the production material requirement plan as per the combination of plan consumption vs. Bill of Material structure according to the manufacturing order SKU detail automatically. The approved material will automatically link with material plan and points out the production achievable status.

  • FX.Pro| MIM, is designed to create an electronic form machine inventory management system by leveraging NFC (Near Field Communication) technology/QR/Barcode. This real-time analytical platform will provide decision makers with a range of interactive dashboards for instant, data driven decision making with machine allocation status detail such as forecast, utilized, Idle or repair. The system maintains the preventive and post maintenance records for data analysis.

  • FX.Pro| ESM, is the component which enables employee skill management through individual profiles of each employee. This solution will provide information on the skill competencies of each machine operator, allowing the management to seamlessly identify, organize, and manage their staff to effectively maximize productivity.

  • FX.Pro| MLP, optimizes a factory’s output by helping to achieve the ideal man-machine line balancing, done by assigning the most-suited operator and machine to the right operation, via a series of in-depth data and operational analyses, thus reducing the time spent on the manual line balancing.

Also, the advance data library and technical analysis tools provides product analysis, What-if? facility. It helps to produce a more consistent better results than making by “guess work” for B2B & B2C everyday decision supports with data readily available via desktop, tablet or smartphone.

This specialised industrial digitisation brought about by FX, is a digital virtual copy of the factory floor that encompasses automation and data exchange by capturing events in real time and contextually streaming it to the relevant decision makers with actionable insights. As clients increasingly deploy these digital tools, a new universe of efficiency, transparency, and personalisation will open up, supporting clients in their goal to thrive and succeed in their businesses.

Provides single page view for all key data

Combines data with various analytical tools for better insights

Visual Dashboards for easy analysis

Intelligent Email alerts and notification for instant action

Delivers insights for better business results and decision making

Over the years we have been opening up extraordinary opportunities for textile players to fine-tune their factory processes and address their individual pain points, resulting in competitive advantages and bringing more efficiently to the industry.
